The Anonymity Manifesto
Our laws and their application are the result of the asymmetric balance between those who know everything and about whom nothing is known, and those about whom everything is known but who know nothing; between those who avert crises and eliminate market risk bit by bit, and those who live in permanent crisis and whose freedom and privacy is lost bit by bit; between those who can’t fall, and those who can’t but crawl.
Today’s biggest democracies run on deep deficits. A high deficit means that a government spends a lot more than what it collects from tax payers. Governments today no longer work for tax payers. Governments work for Central Banks and those that pull the strings of CBs. Taxes are a deliberate tool of financial and political oppression. 80% of the total dollars in circulation have been printed in the last 2 years. Financial incentives have been subverted. The mission of governments has become to serve the interests of the too big to fail that advocate money printing, government’s real source of funding. The mission of governments is no longer to serve the real economy, to protect free choice and free market forces. The masses are treated as sheep that are too small to succeed and with expendable freedoms and rights. Uncertainty is a source of risk for the haves and a source of opportunity for the have nots. Uncertainty has been declared public enemy #1. Risk and opportunity, the wheels of wealth redistribution, have been officially declared outlaws. Free choice, the mother of risk and opportunity, has been sacrificed in the name of the common good. Mass surveillance has been unleashed. Violence and censorship are used to discourage dissent and free choice. The rich get richer, despite becoming more complacent. The poor get poorer, despite working harder. To stop the rot, we must rebalance what has been allowed to get extremely off balance. We need to enforce anonymity. Anonymity is the only fortress that can keep surveillance hungry and risk adverse too big to fail entities and their tentacles outside the realm of free choice and free market forces.
We declare Anonymity an inalienable human right and a multiplier of other rights. We denounce the right to privacy as a trojan horse for mass surveillance and the police state. We denounce pseudo-anonymity as a trojan horse for mass surveillance and the police state. Every human being has a right to full anonymity, not one inch less.
We declare that all human beings are born free, equal and are endowed with reason and conscience. Every human being has a right to participate in societal, commercial and political processes anonymously. Every human being has a right to exercise anonymously their freedom of thought, freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of speech, right to education, right to work, right to religion, right to own things. Every man and woman has the right to participate in the democratic processes of their country anonymously.
Without anonymity individuals will be subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment, torture or discrimination over their opinions or reasoned conclusions. Without anonymity, men and women are subjected to arbitrary interference with their privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon their honour and reputation. Without anonymity, courts and legality are used to make such interferences and attacks tolerable. Without anonymity, people are arbitrarily deprived of their property, arbitrarily subjected to arrest, detention or exile. That should not happen to human beings. We can’t afford, for the sake of our lives and everything we want out of the sweetness and decency of this world, to let that occur.
We now have the ability to fight.